iPhone & iPod Touch 1.1.4: No *EAP for you!
Recently the iPhone and iPod Touch bumped up to version 1.1.4. Not too surprisingly, 802.1X support is still not there. So no LEAP or PEAP (or some other EAP) for anyone today. Or yesterday. Or the day before.
As an aside, I was hoping wireless improvements in Mac OS X 10.5.2 would possibly translate to 802.1X coming to the iPod Touch/iPhone someday (as they all share the OS X code base), but so far it would seem no luck.
Lastly, Andrea left a comment that there is a petition for Apple to add 802.1X. There are currently 1870 signatures! And since I enjoy setting up false hope for myself: maybe after the iPhone SDK comes out, adding 802.1X will become a priority. Right? Right!?